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Curriculum overview

Scott College Curriculum Intent

Our intent is to create a challenging and aspirational curriculum that is both broad whilst also enabling our students to have a greater understanding of the medical profession.

How do we achieve this?

Subject intent

Every subject has carefully weaved key medical concepts into their curriculum. Some examples include history where students study the ‘Medicine through Time’ module; maths has a strong focus on statistics and all of our students sit that course as we appreciate the importance that statistics has within the medical profession; English select texts which consider empathy and social responsibility. Approximately 80% of students study psychology and health and social care and all of our students sit triple science. We offer a triple Health and Social Care pathway at post-16 and all of our students undertake work experience.

In addition, at KS4 we offer languages, geography, performing arts and sport. At post-16, the offer is even broader with students able to opt to sit certain qualifications using the resources available across the campus.

At all of our open evenings we acknowledge and share with students and parents the importance of the English Baccalaureate hence the inclusion of geography, history and languages in our offer. To encourage it further we ensure that they are blocked separately as we try to increase the uptake.

All students study:

  • English Language and Literature
  • Maths and Statistics
  • Triple Science
  • Core PE
  • PSE and our Futures Curriculum
  • EBACC subject
  • Two additional options 

Sixth Form

By attending Scott College Sixth Form we believe that students will have a greater chance of success in the field they choose. We specialise particularly in the healthcare sector but the curriculum is designed so that students achieve three Level 3 qualifications, which allows them to progress to university, degree apprenticeships or employment. We also offer time for work placements and organise curriculum collapse days linked directly to employment opportunities in the medical and healthcare sector.

There are two pathways to choose from: the A Level pathway, a more traditional route; or the Health Sciences pathway, which prepares students specifically for careers in nursing, medicine, paramedics etc. Students will also be prepared for the UKCAT, a prerequisite for any school leaver applying for medicine and dentistry and the BMAT, essential for entry into Oxbridge and Russell Group universities.

Whatever aspirations that students may have, Scott College’s curriculum will support them in ensuring they achieve that goal.

Futures curriculum

The Futures curriculum encompasses the extra curricular activities and opportunities dedicated to giving students a broader understanding of the healthcare industry and the medical profession.

In Years 9 and 10 all students take part in 20 minute, timetabled, tutor-led sessions four days a week which examine ethics and careers in the healthcare industry. Key themes are introduced and discussed in bespoke programmes for each year group.

A regular schedule of guest speakers is in place for all year groups to give students experience of a wide range of careers in the industry and the opportunity to discover first hand. This includes workshops and practical skills days giving students hands-on experience of different aspects of the healthcare industry.

Extra curricular opportunities and experiences are crucial in us creating the well rounded medical professional. We have over 50 clubs that students are encouraged to attend. Where due to the limited facilities we have not been able to offer such things in our curriculum we make use of the Campus and include a plethora of options whilst also not losing sight of our medical stance; Examples include Sign language club; joining the campus performance arts showcase; all of the sports clubs that would be available in a community college; journalist club etc.

As we create a well-rounded medical professional we ensure that all of our students achieve their first aid certificate and keep these up to date throughout their time with us.

Please click here to view the curriculum overview

The curriculum has been designed with the needs of all learners taken into consideration, especially those with additional learning needs. Further information can be found in our SEN report, available on our Policy and Documents page.

To find out more about the curriculum, please contact Matt Oakes at