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Year 9

Our new building, equipment and facilities support a high-quality curriculum which will enable students to meet the needs of the highest demand qualifications at Key Stages 4.

Students study Maths, Statistics, English Language, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Triple Science) in the core offering of 7 GCSEs.

Students choose three options from our wide offer that will include Geography, History, French, Spanish, Health and Social Care, Psychology, Drama, Childcare, Sport and Sociology.

Students will also have creative and physical enrichment sessions, develop their character and PHSE knowledge, develop problem-solving skills and develop their ‘character’.

Students are arranged into tutor groups and in tutor time and assembly we have a programme of Literacy, reading as a class and our well regarded ‘Futures’ curriculum.

Students have a range of out-of-school opportunities including trips and visits as well as a programme of outside speakers.