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Medical/Dentistry Pathway

To get into medicine or dentistry you will need to meet certain academic requirements. GCSE: You’ll usually need grades 7–9 in all your GCSEs. This will include Maths, English Language and 2 Science subjects. Many medical schools will only consider your top 6–8 GCSEs.
The majority of medical degree courses at university will ask for A Level Biology and Chemistry, along with one other. It is important that you research your university choices when considering your subject choices.
Suggested A level Subjects:
A Level Biology
A Level Maths
A Level Chemistry or Psychology or Physics 
(depending on degree choice)
Scott Medical and Healthcare College specialises in supporting students who aspire to work within medicine.  Being aligned with the University of Plymouth Peninsula Pathways programme our young people have excellent opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge through online mentoring, workshops and bespoke work experience placements. Practically they are supported in University applications, but they are also guided through the various options within each career.  
Students applying for medicine or dentistry are required to sit an entrance exam, UCAT, in the Autumn term of year 13. The exam includes verbal, quantitative and abstract reasoning as well as decision making and situational judgement. Students are supported in their preparation through resources provided by the college and through the University mentoring programme.
In order to ensure every chance of success in this highly competitive area the following opportunities are provided throughout the sixth form journey:
Lectures from Health Professionals, such as GP, 
Naval Surgeon
Healthcare Taster days at the University of Plymouth
Medics Club - to help you prepare for the UCAT 
UCAS support sessions 
Mock interviews
University mentoring programme for UCAT


Health Sciences Pathway

On this Pathway you will complete the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies).  A total of 13 units will be completed over the two years.
List of Units 
• Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development
• Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care
• Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care
• Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Research in Health and 
Social Care
• Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs 
• Unit 6 Work Experience in Health and Social Care 
• Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
• Unit 8 Promoting Public Health 
• Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care
• Unit 15 Microbiology for Health Science
• Unit 17 Caring for Individuals with Dementia
• Unit 19 Nutritional Health
• Unit 25 Health Psychology
The units taught have been chosen to give students more science bases units which we know the universities are looking for within the health professions. 
A key aspect of this course is a mandatory weekly placement during year 12. The college will support students to find a suitable placement and help with completing all the necessary checks and paperwork. This unique opportunity will provide the students with the opportunity to develop key skills needed to help reach their full potential, academically and socially.
We also provide medical masterclasses and give students the opportunity to complete a first aid qualification.