Qualifications that will help you stand out
Higher Project Qualification Level 2 - Key Stage 4 (Year 9)
Extended Project Qualification Level 3 - Key Stage 5 (Year 12/13)
The Pearson Extended Project Qualifications are designed to allow students to investigate and write up their own research project in a field of medicine and healthcare of their choosing. The projects work similarly to a dissertation style project at university and gives students an excellent in depth understanding of an area of medicine of their choosing.
Students are taught how to research, reference, give an effective presentation and are required to:
- Select and identify a question or brief which specifies an intended project outcome.
- Produce a plan for how they will deliver their intended outcome.
- Conduct research into the project brief, using appropriate techniques.
- Develop the intended outcome using selected tools and techniques safely.
- Demonstrate the capacity to see a project through to completion.
- Share the outcome of the project, including a review of their own learning and performance with others, using appropriate communication methods.
The EPQ is elective and perfect for students in Year 12 and 13 who want to add some sparkle to their UCAS application. University tutors really value the EPQ in applicants as it shows independence of thought, dedication to completing a fully self driven project and enables the student to become very knowledgeable in an area of a course they may wish to apply for.
The EPQ is worth an AS Level and carries UCAS points. These can help students obtain a reduced offer of a place at University.