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Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

All Stoke Damerel Students from Yr 10 -13  have the option to join the Plymouth College/SDCC joint Combined Cadet Force (CCF) as it is a voluntary activity on Friday afternoons. The contingent expects its cadets to aspire towards a leadership role as cadets are involved in planning and instructing.

The CCF is a Government sponsored youth organisation and, although uniformed, it is not a recruiting tool. Its aims are to:

“Provide a disciplined organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance.”

Whilst some cadets do progress to a career in the armed services, for the majority of pupils the CCF provides a useful insight into the role and activities of the armed forces in the modern world and gives a flavour of their values, activities and influence in changing times. Amongst other things, being part of the CCF helps pupils develop their leadership skills, independence and ability to work in a team.

Within the Plymouth College Contingent there are three sections: Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. As a Combined Cadet Force there is some overlap between section activities, although activities of individual sections will naturally be coloured by their respective service arms. Afloat training, for instance, generally takes place as a Royal Navy Section activity and flying within the RAF section.

Within specified training syllabuses the contingent aims for its activities to represent a 60:40 split between military-based and adventure training activities. Activities include: drill, leadership training, navigation, map work, orienteering, expedition training, flying, shooting (range, DCCT and air weapons), blank firing, field craft, outdoor skills, survival skills, first aid, damage control, kayaking and canoeing, sailing, power boating, ship visits, low and high ropes, overseas visits, visiting museums and regular/reserve units, communications, observation and other individual service based activities and competitions.

If you would like any further advice/information, please email Mr O'brien at