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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It encourages young people to push their personal boundaries, gain new skills and enhance CVs and University applications.

At Scott Medical and Healthcare College the DofE scheme is voluntary with students able to enter the Bronze award in Year 9, Silver in Year 10 and Gold in Year 12. There is every opportunity for students to gain all three awards and perhaps go to Buckingham Palace to accept their coveted Gold Award.

Qualified leaders guide students through the various sections of the award and then onto, and often the highlight, the expedition.

Our belief at SMHC is that if you are participating in the award and each year you take regular physical activity, learn a new skill, volunteer to help in your local community and go on a challenging adventure, then you have gone a long way to making the best of your time at the school.

The main source of information regarding the Award is the D of E website ( and almost all you need to know is discussed there. 


Students can start their Bronze DofE at the start of Year 9. Training will take place throughout the academic year. There is a requirement to attend a weekly meeting on Thursday nights as that is when we deliver most of the training/support. Students will then take part in a two-day practice expedition and a two-day assessed expedition. These typically take place on the South West Coast Path. The cost of the Award is £40 which includes the registration and expedition costs.

We would anticipate the Students should be able to complete their Bronze Award by the end of Year 9. Completing the Bronze Award reduces the time needed to complete their Silver Award from 12 months to 6 months.

All enquiries about Bronze DofE should be directed to Mr Campion (Bronze Leader). 

The timescales are given below:





 2 sections for 3 months and one for 6 months

 2 days, 1 night


The Students can start their Silver DofE at the start of Year 10. All students meet for their weekly training session after school on Thursdays to organise their personal programme and to train for the expedition component. If they have completed Bronze they will complete some refresher training organised with their group leader before undertaking their three-day practice expedition. They will then complete a three-day assessed expedition. These typically take place on the fringe of Dartmoor, SW Coast Path or similar terrain. Some pupils take the option of canoeing, instead of walking, for their expedition. The cost of the Award is £50. Which includes the enrolment and expedition costs.

We would anticipate the students should be able to complete their Silver Award by the end of Year 10. Completing the Silver Award reduces the time needed to complete their Gold Award from 18 months to 12 months.

Any queries about Silver DofE should be directed to Miss Turner (Silver Leader).

The timescales are given below:





 6 Months

 One section for 6 months and one for 3 months

 3 days / 2 nights

Students who have not completed their Bronze Award must also spend a further 6 months on either their volunteering or the longer of their physical or skills section


Students can start their Gold DofE at the start of Year 12. They have fortnightly meetings on Wednesdays to organise their personal programme and to train for the expedition component. Pupils will then typically participate in three training days, a three-day practice expedition and a four-day final expedition.

Expeditions and training typically take place on Dartmoor, the Brecon Beacons and in Snowdonia.

We would anticipate the Students should be able to complete their Gold Award by the end of Year 12, however for direct entrants the time frame extends to 18 months. The Gold Award also contains an additional residential section.

Any queries about Gold DofE should be directed to Mrs Rachael Emery.

The timescales are given below:






 12 Months

 One section for 12 months and one for 6  months

 4 days / 3 nights

 5 days / 4 nights

Students who have not completed their Silver Award must also spend a further 6 months on either their volunteering or the longer of their physical or skills section

Kit List  

Please click here for the kit list from the D of E website. The importance of adequate kit cannot be overstated. Stout boots and serviceable waterproofs can make the difference between the experience of a lifetime and a thoroughly miserable 48 hours. 

The School will provide many major items such as tent, stove and fuel, rucksacks, maps and compass and essential emergency equipment. We also have a small store of sleeping bags and roll mats available. 

Most equipment can be purchased at very reasonable prices and will provide good service for years to come. Purchasing advice is at the bottom of the list but please contact the DofE team at school if you have any queries.

What to expect  

The DofE Award is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Reward and fulfilment do not, however, come without effort. The expectation, at SMHC and nationally, is that young people undertaking their DofE will show initiative and responsibility. Highly trained, professional staff will provide training, guidance, encouragement, resources and safeguarding but ultimately, students themselves will be responsible for their own progress.  

The expedition is no exception to the above. Whilst students will be fully trained and risk will be managed professionally and to the highest standards, the expedition will be physically challenging. Students will not be under permanent supervision and will have to plan and behave accordingly.  

What to expect 

Please click here to see DofE Expedition Kit List January 2022. Please note that we provide the rucksack, tents, cooking stove, cooking fuel, cooking pans and maps.

Please click here to download the participants' enrolment form.