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Curriculum content


Year 9

Term 1
Students focus on the areas of number and ratio and proportion. This is to assess current ability and ensure fundamental essentials are in place before any streaming decisions. Students are set after the first half-term to ensure appropriate challenge and support.

Term 2
Students become more proficient at FDP and proportionality whilst developing their algebraic manipulation. Students also look at conversions between currencies. Links with Science, Catering, Geography and Languages. 

Term 3
Students look to establish a range of skills during this ht. Earlier work on multipliers is built upon, they start to work with y = mx + c and transformations are developed more fully. Links with Science and Art and Design. Link here, Earlier cycles work is expanded to include Pythagoras, Arcs/Sectors, Venn Diagrams whilst also further developing students work with statistical analysis. Links with Science and Geography.

Year 10

Term 1
Students begin their Higher/Foundation Pathways for GCSE courses. This involves in both cases building on prior knowledge re. number, place value and ratio and proportion. Students in Y10 break into two pathways. Each cycle covers elements from each curriculum strata on rotation. Stg10 S1 H/F has links to Science, Geography and Art and Design. This is achieved through Algebra, Statistics and Shape work. 

Term 2
In the second term there is an increased focus on statistical methods whilst integrating elements of the Statistics curriculum. This supports students across the majority of their subjects.  

Term 3
Students continue to develop their mathematical ability with an increased focus on algebra and geometry. Statistics content is still interlinked.

Year 11

Term 1
Year 11 Curriculum model is heavily influenced by needs analysis of year group. Students are broken into three cohorts where individual needs are met. As such, links across the curriculum are found throughout. Link to be updated.  

Term 2
Year 11 Curriculum model is heavily influenced by needs analysis of year group. Students are broken into three cohorts where individual needs are met. As such, links across the curriculum are found throughout. Link to be updated.

Term 3
Year 11 Curriculum model is heavily influenced by needs analysis of year group. Students are broken into three cohorts where individual needs are met. As such, links across the curriculum are found throughout. Link to be updated.

Year 12

Term 1
November Resit Opportunities are provided for those students who have not achieved a Grade 4. A Level Maths begin with a recap of some of the crossover topics which are essential from Higher GCSE; Expressions, Quadratics, Equations, Inequalities, Graphs and Transformations. 

Term 2
HT for A Level Maths continues to use some crossover but starts pushing students understanding of previous concepts. Students study; Graphs, Circles, Algebraic methods, Binomial Expansion, Trigonometric Ratios and Trigonometric identities and equations Students are assessed with small modular tests on prior content to check and redress understanding.

Term 3
HT3 really challenges pupils with the key topics of Differentiation and Integration. They also spend time exploring Vectors, Exponentials and Logarithms.

Year 13

Term 1
Y13 is front loaded with the important Data topics that we know are so vital for future careers and aspirations. Now core skills have been embedded over Y12 students begin to work through their Statistics topics; Collection and representation of Data, Measures of Speed, correlation, probability, Statistical Distributions and Hypothesis testing. 

Term 2
Finally, students tackle the Mechanics part of the course. In which they build on prior work with Modelling, Constant Acceleration, Forces and Motions and Variables Acceleration. Once completed the remaining time for students is given over to exam preparation and revision.

English Language & Literature 

Year 9

Term 1
Unit 7: Conflict To explore the ways in which writers try to understand why and how humans can be so destructive. Text: Journey's End.

Term 2
Unit 8: Dystopia To understand how writers have exploited ideology in order to explore our fears of the future. George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four.'

Term 3
Unit 9: Rhetoric and Revolution To explore how great orators can influence, shape and change our world.

Year 10

Term 1
'Macbeth' - Students learn about the Jacobean context of the writing of 'Macbeth', including James I, witchcraft, position of women in society, Jacobean theatrical conventions.

Term 2
'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. Students consider the context of Victorian London, themes such as transformation and redemption and social responsibility.

Term 3
English Paper 1: Language analysis - students read a variety of fictional extracts in preparation for English Paper 1. English paper 2: Non- fiction texts in prepartion for English Paper 2: 19th Century texts and 20th century texts. Themes such as penal systems, women in society, children in society, education, commerce, labour.

Year 11

Term 1
'An Inspector Calls' by JB Priestley. Students learn about socialism and capitalism. They consider the Edwardian period in which the play is set but also the post-war (1945) time in which the play was written. They consider themes such as patriarchy, social responsibility and generational and class divides.

Term 2
Poetry of power and conflict. Students learn how to analyse poems. The poems have a wide range of contexts from Romanticism to the Crimean War, World War 1, the Vietnam War, the troubles in Northern Ireland. In addition to the cluster of poems students develop their skills of approaching unseen poetry.

Term 3
Bespoke programme of revision of all key texts and all 4 exam papers.

Year 12

Term 1
Resit opportunities are provided for those students who have not achieved a grade 4 in language, irrespective of their English literature GCSE outcome. English Paper 1: Language analysis - students read a variety of fictional extracts in preparation for English Paper 1. English paper 2: Non-fiction texts in preparation for English Paper 2: 19th Century texts and 20th century texts. Themes such as penal systems, women in society, children in society, education, commerce, labour.

Term 2
A Level English Literature: Paper 1: Love Through the Ages What’s assessed: Study of three texts: one prose [The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald – post 1900 requirement]; one poetry anthology (pre-1900 requirement); one Shakespeare play [Othello]. Exam will include two unseen poems. Assessed Written exam: 3hours open book in Section C only 3 tasks 75 marks – 25 marks per task 40% of A-level Questions Section A: Shakespeare. One passage based question with linked essay (25 marks) Section B: Unseen poetry. Compulsory essay question on two unseen poems (25 marks) Section C: Comparing texts: one essay question linking two texts – one prose and one poetry (25 marks). Open book for section C.

Year 13

Term 1
Paper 2: Texts in Shared Contexts What’s assessed: Study of 3 texts (from 1945 to present day): one prose[The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood]; one poetry collection [Feminine Gospels by Duffy]; one drama [A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams] Assessed Written exam: 2 hours and 30 minutes Open book 3 tasks 75 marks – 25 marks per task 40% of A Level Questions Section A: one essay question on set text (25 marks) Section B: one compulsory question on an unseen extract of literary prose (25 marks) AND one essay question linking two texts (25 marks).

Term 2
Non Exam Assessment: Independent critical study – Texts Across Time What’s assessed: Comparative critical study of two texts. Word count: 2500 words (excluding quotations) Appropriate academic bibliography must be included (not included in word count). One text must have been written before 1900, and two different authors must be studied. Assessed Assessed by teachers; moderated by AQA 50 marks 20% of A Level.

Triple Science 

Year 9

Term 1
Biology: Cells and microscopes, health and disease
Chemistry: Atoms, elements and the periodic table, separating mixtures and analytical techniques
Physics: The particle model, Newton's laws

Term 2
Biology: Ecosystems and human impact on ecosystems
Chemistry: Materials from the Earth, Earth's atmosphere
Physics: Energy stores and transfers

Term 3
Biology: Cell division, DNA, inheritance and protein synthesis
Chemistry: Bonding and properties of substances
Physics: Space and electromagnetic radiation.

Year 10

Term 1
Biology: Variation, evolution and genetic engineering
Chemistry: Groups on the periodic table, electrolysis
Physics: Electrical circuits and current.

Term 2
Biology: Transport in cells, enzymes and respiration
Chemistry: Acids, alkalis and neutralisation
Physics: Radioactive decay, uses and properties of radiation

Term 3
Biology: Human circulatory system and homeostasis
Chemistry: Reaction rate and equilibrium
Physics: Momentum, uniform motion and vector diagrams

Year 11

Term 1
Biology: Plant cells and tissues, transport in plants, photosynthesis and plant hormones. Chemistry: Chemistry calculations with amounts of substance, atom economy and yield. Physics: Magnetism and the motor effect.

Term 2
Biology: Revision
Chemistry: Revision
Physics: Electromagnetic waves and Revision

Term 3
Biology: Revision
Chemistry: Revision
Physics: Revision

Year 12

Term 1
Biology: Development of Practical Skills in Biology; Cells and Microscopy; Biological Molecules ; Enzymes; Plasma Membranes
Chemistry:, Atomic Structure, Bonding and Structure, Amounts of substances, Formulae and Equations. Reduction and Oxidation
Physics: Working as a physicist, introduction to mechanics, electric circuits

Term 2
Biology: Development of Practical Skills in Biology; Transport in Animals and Plants; Communicable Diseases; Nervous Communication
Chemistry: Energetics and Hess Law, Equilibrium of reactions, Kinetics.
Physics: Materials, nuclear and particle physics

Term 3
Biology: Development of Practical Skills in Biology; Transport in Animals and Plants; Communicable Diseases; Nervous Communication
Chemistry: Energetics and Hess Law, Equilibrium of reactions, Kinetics
Physics: Materials, nuclear and particle physics

Year 13

Term 1
Biology: Plant and Animal Responses; Homeostasis; Photosynthesis; Respiration; Genetic Control
Chemistry: Equilibrium and Application. Acids, Bases and Buffers. Enthalpy, Entropy and Gibbs Free Energy. Electrochemical Cells.
Physics: Waves and particle nature of light, Space, Particle physics and nuclear radiation

Term 2
Biology: Inheritance and Genetic Technologies; Biotechnology; Ecosystems and Conservation
Chemistry: Ligands and Coloured Compounds. Transition Metal Complexes. Further Kinetics, Further Organic Chemistry
Physics: Gravitational fields, oscillations, thermodynamics

PE and Health 

Year 9

Term 1
Unit R181: Applying the Principles of training: Fitness and how it affects skill performance
Topic 1: Components of fitness applied in sport - Components of fitness - Justification of COF - Fitness testing - Strengths and Weaknesses
Topic 2: Principles of training in sport - Aerobic and Anaerobic - Methods of training - Principles of Training.

Term 2
Unit R181: Applying the Principles of training: Fitness and how it affects skill performance
Topic 3: Organising and planning a fitness training programme - Considerations to inform planning - Risk assessments - SMART goals - Applying principles of training - Planning a fitness based training programme
Topic 4: Evaluate own performance in planning and delivery of a fitness training programme - Effectiveness of fitness training - Strengths and areas for improvement - Further developments

Term 3
Unit R182: The body's response to physical activity and how technology informs this
Topic 1: Cardio-respiratory system and how the use of technology supports different types of sport and their intenities - Components, functions and role of cardio-respiratory system during exercise - Cardio-respiatory sports technology
Topic 2: The musculo-skeletal system and how the use of technology supports different types of sports and their movements - Components, functions and role of musculo-skeletal in producing movement - Musculo-skeletal sports technology

Year 10

Term 1
Unit R181: Applying the Principles of training: Fitness and how it affects skill performance
Topic 3: Short-term effects of exercise on the cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal systems
Topic 4: Long-term effects of exercise on the cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal systems

Term 2
Unit R183: Nutrition and sports performance
Topic 1: Nutrients needed for a healthy, balanced nutrition plan - Role of nutrients in sports and their sources
Topic 2: Applying differing dietary requirements to varying types of sporting activity - Dietary requirements of endurance/aerobic activities - Dietary requirements of short intense/anaerobic activities - Dietary requirements of strength based activities

Term 3
Unit R183: Nutrition and sports performance
Topic 3: Developing a balanced nutrition plan for a selected sporting activity - How to design and develop a balanced nutrition plan - Key factors when considering the success/impact of a nutrition plan
Topic 4: How nutritional behaviours can be managed to improve sports performance - Effects of overeating on sports performance -Effects of under eating on sports performance - Effects of dehydration on sports performance.

Year 11

Term 1
Unit R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions
Topic 1: Different factors which influence the risk and severity of injury - Extrinsic risk factors - Intrinsic risk factors
Topic 2: Warm up and cool down routines - Key components of a warm up - Physiological and psychological benefits of a warm up - Physiological benefits of a cool down

Term 2
Unit R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions
Topic 3: Different types and causes of sports injuries - Acute injuries -Chronic injuries
Topic 4: Reducing risk, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries and medical conditions - Measure that can be taken before and during participation in sport or physical activity to reduce risk and severity of injury/medical conditions - Responses and treatment to injuries and medical conditions in a sporting context Topic5: Causes, symptoms and treatment of medical conditions - Asthma - Diabetes - Epilepsy - Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) -Other medical conditions

Term 3
Unit R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions Practise exams and exam prep for May/June.

Year 12

Term 1
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology
A The effects of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system
B The effects of exercise and sports performance on the muscular system

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
A Examine lifestyle factors and their effect on health and well-being
B Understand the screening processes for training programming

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Sport
Unit 4: Sports Leadership
Learning aim A: Understand the roles, qualities and characteristics of an effective sports leader. Learning aim B: Examine the importance of psychological factors and their link with effective leadership
Unit 23: Skill Acquisition in Sport
Learning aim A: Investigate the nature of skilled performance. Learning aim B: Examine ways that sport performers process information for skilled performance.

Term 2
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology
C The effects of exercise and sports performance on the respiratory system
D The effects of sport and exercise performance on the cardiovascular system

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
C Understand programme-related nutritional needs
D Examine training methods for different components of fitness

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Sport
Unit 4: Sports Leadership Learning aim B: Examine the importance of psychological factors and their link with effective leadership
Learning aim C: Explore an effective leadership style when leading a team during sport and exercise activities

Unit 23: Skill Acquisition in Sport
Learning aim C: Explore theories of teaching and learning in sport.
Learning aim D: Carry out teaching and learning strategies for sports skills.

Term 3
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology
D The effects of sport and exercise performance on the cardiovascular system
E The effects of exercise and sports performance on the energy systems

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
D Examine training methods for different components of fitness
E Understand training programme design

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Sport
Unit 18: Work Experience in Active Leisure
A Undertake in-depth preparation for an active leisure work experience placement
B Undertake a job application process for an active leisure work experience placement
C Carry out work experience tasks to meet set objectives from work experience action plan
D Investigate the impact of an active leisure work experience placement on career development.

Health and Social Care 

Year 9

Term 1
Foundation/Practical Skills - Students are introduced to the subject of Health & Social Care. They will learn about what a life stage is and what are PIES which underpin the units they will learn in the Btec Tech Award course. Students also are taken on a patient journey to learn how conditions are diagnosed and treated and which care professionals are involved in supporting individuals.

Term 2
Btec L1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care:
Component 1 - Students will start on the course content for this qualification, although formal assessment will not take place until year 10. Students will explore different aspects of growth and development and the factors that can affect this across the life stages. They will explore the different events that can impact on individuals’ physical, intellectual, emotional and social (PIES) development and how individuals cope with and are supported through changes caused by life events.

Term 3
In term 3 students will continue acquiring knowledge for Component 1 and will get the opportunity to practice the Assessment tasks in preparation for the formal assessment in year 10.

Year 10

Term 1
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In year 10 students on the new specification will complete their first assessment for Component 1, which involves completing set tasks which are marked by teachers but moderated by the exam board.

Term 2
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In Term 2 students will begin on the course content for Component 2 where they will explore health and social care services and how they meet the needs of service users. They will also study the skills, attributes and values required when giving care.

Term 3
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In Term 3 students will continue to learn content for Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and Values, they will then get the opportunity to practise the set tasks in preparation for the formal assessment in Year 11. Students will begin learning the content for Component 3 Health and Wellbeing, which is the external exam they will sit at the end of year 11. Students will explore the factors that affect health and wellbeing.

Year 11

Term 1
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award -
In Year 11 students will complete the pearson set assignments for Component 2, marks for these will be sent to the exam board for moderation in December/January. Students will also continue to learn the content for Component 3 learning about physiological and lifestyle indicators, and person-centred approaches to make recommendations to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Term 2
Students will sit a Mock for Component 3 in the spring term. Further preparation and revision of topics will be covered in the Spring term.

Term 3
Students will sit the actual exam for Component 3 in the Summer term.

Year 12

Term 1
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies):
- Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development. Learners cover physical, intellectual, emotional and social development across the human lifespan, and the factors affecting development and the effects of ageing. This is an external examined unit students sit in January Series.
- Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care. Learners explore types of physiological disorders, the procedures for diagnosis, and the development of a treatment plan and provision of support for service users.
- Unit 17 Caring for Individuals with Dementia. Learners explore conditions leading to dementia, their causes, symptoms, the effects on individuals and the support required to ensure independence and dignity for individuals. Students also start on the Work Placement Unit which they will complete in Year 13.

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care:
- Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development. Learners cover physical, intellectual, emotional and social development across the human lifespan, and the factors affecting development and the effects of ageing.

Term 2

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies):
- Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care. Learners explore what it is like to work in the health and social care sector, including the roles and responsibilities of workers and organisations. This is an external examination students will sit in the Summer Term.
- Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. Learners focus on the principles and practicalities that underpin meeting individuals’ care and support needs, which are the foundation of all the care disciplines.
- Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care. Learners explore the importance of safe working practices, safeguarding procedures and responding to emergency situations in health and social care settings.
- Unit 19 Nutritional Health. Learners explore concepts of nutritional health and influences on dietary intake, and learn how to assess and improve health through nutrition plans for individuals.

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care:
- Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. Learners focus on the principles and practicalities that underpin meeting individuals’ care and support needs, which are the foundation of all the care disciplines.

Term 3

Students will complete their coursework for units 5, 7 and 19 and sit the unit 2 exam.

Year 13

Term 1
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies):
- Unit 3
- Unit 4

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care:
- Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care. Learners explore what it is like to work in the health and social care sector, including the roles and responsibilities of workers and organisations.

Term 2

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies):
- Unit 6 Work Experience in Health and Social Care. Learners explore the benefits of work experience. They carry out and reflect on a period of work experience, and plan for personal and professional development.
- Unit 8 Promoting Public Health. Learners explore the aims of public health policy and the current approaches to promoting and protecting health and encouraging behaviour change in the population
- Unit 15 Microbiology for Health Science. Learners will cover the key microbiological concepts relevant to the field of health science and their role in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products and in medical diagnostics.
- Unit 26 Health Psychology. Learners explore the application of psychology in the study of health-related behaviours, contemporary issues in health psychology, and models of stress and stress management.

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care:
- Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care. Learners explore types of physiological disorders, the procedures for diagnosis, and the development of a treatment plan and provision of support for service users.

Child Development 

Year 9

Term 1
Foundation/Practical Skills - Students are introduced to the subject of Child Development. Students will be introduced to key concepts, knowledge and understanding linked to the Btec Tech Award Child Development course. They will explore types of childrens services, job roles within childcare, importance of diet, children with special needs, importance of communication, types of play.

Term 2
Btec L1/2 Tech Award in Child Development:
Component 1 - Students will start on the course content for this qualification, although formal assessment will not take place until year 10. Students will learn about the principles of growth and development. Learners will investigate the factors affecting growth and development of children from birth to five years old.

Term 3
In term 3 students will continue acquiring knowledge for Component 1 and will get the opportunity to practice the Assessment tasks in preparation for the formal assessment in year 10.

Year 10

Term 1
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In year 10 students on the new specification will complete their first assessment for Component 1, which involves completing set tasks which are marked by teachers but moderated by the exam board.

Term 2
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In Term 2 students will begin on the course content for Component 2 where they will explore learning through play. Learners will develop an understanding of how play activities can influence children’s learning between the ages of birth and five years old. They will consider the different types of play in which children engage, and how activities can support children’s learning and progress across the five areas of development.

Term 3
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In Term 3 students will continue to learn content for Component 2 Learning Through Play, they will then get the opportunity to practice the set tasks in preparation for the formal assessment in Year 11. Students will begin learning the content for Component 3 Supporting Children to Play, Learn and Develop, which is the external exam they will sit at the end of year 11. Students will investigate how a child learns and develops and how to adapt activities to support the inclusion of all children in play.

Year 11

Term 1
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award
In Year 11 students will complete the pearson set assignments for Component 2, marks for these will be sent to the exam board for moderation in December/January. Students will also continue to learn the content for Component 3.

Term 2
Students will sit a Mock for Component 3 in the spring term. Further preparation and revision of topics will be covered in the Spring term.

Term 3
Students will sit the actual exam for Component 3 in the Summer term.


Year 9

Term 1
Who am I? Describing yourself and others, family relationships, what makes a good friend.

Term 2
My free time: Talking about sport, what I do online, what I read and watch.

Term 3
En bonne santé: Body parts, healthy living, food + drink, exercise.

Year 10

Term 1
My local area: Describing my town & region, what to see and do.

Term 2
Holiday & travel: Talking about my holidays and travel in 3 different tenses including where I stay, eating out when away and holiday disasters.

Term 3
School & future plans: Talking about my school and plans for the future.

Year 11

Term 1
Bringing the world together: Talking about environmental, social & global issues.

Term 2
Mock exam 1 analysis: Re-teach high frequency vocab Speaking exam prep including general conversation Reading, Listening & Writing prep Preparation for March mocks

Term 3
Recap and revision + exam practice in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)


Year 9

Term 1
Who am I? Describing yourself, family and friends. Describing age, birthdays, physical appearance and family.

Term 2
Leisure time, hobbies and social media Describing what you like you to do in your free time, sports and giving opinions on social media.

Term 3
School and study giving opinions on subjects, your school and school rules. Term 3.2 Home and local area describing your home and town or city with opinions.

Year 10

Term 1
Celebrations and festivals - discussing and giving opinions on cultural events and festivals. Term 1.2 Personal qualities and role models.

Term 2
Career plans and aspirations term 2.2 technology and giving justified opinions.

Term 3
Local area, holidays and travel and using languages and exam techniques.

Year 11

Term 1
Using languages and exam techniques.

Term 2

An eye on the world Environmental and global issues.

Term 3
Recap and revision + exam practice in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)


Year 9

Term 1
Urbanisation: Rio (Challenges and opportunities - Favelas), and sustainable urban areas (Frieburg)

Term 2
Cold Environments: Characteristics of cold environments, opportunities and challenges of development in Svalbard, threats to cold environments and management.

Term 3
Natural Hazards: Distribution of hazards, tectonic margins, examples of earthquakes and reducing the risk from tectonic hazards. Coasts: Landforms created and the management of coasts (Jurassic Coast and Lyme Regis)

Year 10

Term 1
The Changing UK Economy: The post-industrial economy, science and business parks, changing transport infrastructure and rural landscapes. The North South divide and trade with Europe / wider world

Term 2
Urban Change in the UK: Focus on Bristol, discussing the challenges, opportunities and Temple Quarter regeneration, greenfield and brownfield developments.

Term 3
Weather Hazards and Climate change: Global atmospheric circulation, examples of global and uk weather hazards, causes mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Ecosystems / Tropical Rainforests: Ponds, tropical rainforests, causes and impacts of deforestation (Malaysia)

Year 11

Term 1
The Development Gap / An NEE: Demographic Transition Model and Population Pyramids. Uneven development and reducing the gap. Nigeria: location, importance, contexts, economics and the role of TNCs.

Term 2

Fieldwork: River Exe and Princesshay / Rivers: Landforms created and the management of both rivers and coasts (River Tees, River Exe, Jurassic Coast and Lyme Regis)

Term 3
Resource management: Global and UK resources (water, energy and food). Water insecurity and increasing supply (Lesotho Highland). Sustainable water supplies (Wakel, India)


Year 9

Term 1
The history of Medicine and the methods of treatment that have been used to both explain and treat the various medical challenges that have threatened humanity through the ages. We then have a thematic focus on medicine in the trenchers and the medical developments that WW1 ushered in.

Term 2
An introduction to the Cold War 1943-61- this looks at how the Cold War develops, the causes and consequences.

Term 3
The impact of the Nazi on the people of Germany A study of Whitechapel - looking at the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the people and environment.

Year 10

Term 1
The Weimar Republic: building on the unit in Year 9 on Nazi Germany. It looks at the events and consequences of WW1 on Germany and the establishment of the Republic.

Term 2
Henry and his Ministers - looks at the role and impact of Thomas Wolsey.

Term 3
The Cold War - looking at the start and development of the Cold War from 1949 to 1991 Crime and Punishment - looking at the development of punishment and law enforcement.


Year 11

Term 1
Henry and his Ministers - Cromwell

Term 2
Germany - Revision

Term 3
Crime and Punishment - Revision / Medicine through Time Revision.


Year 9

Term 1
Devising Drama from stimulus - Topic: Young Offenders. Includes Script Writing, Prepared and Spontaneous Improvisation, Monologue and whole class In-role. Building backstory, dramatic tension, nuance and more complex characterisation.

Term 2
Creating topic based performance: using themes to devise performance and understanding how to make theatre. Skills developed in writing script, improvisation, building tension through characterisation and using props, set, lighting and music to enhance performance.

Term 3
Silent Movies and Physical Theatre: . Developing grotesque exaggerated storytelling skills which use non-verbal skills to tell a story to music. Building into an understanding of Physical comedy, Working with Script: Blood Brothers. How to build dramatic tension on stage, Learning lines. Making independent decisions about staging, characterisation and semiotics. Off-text development of narrative.

Year 10

Term 1
UPerforming Text 1: DNA Exploration of the context of the play through research to create a Coursework document. Critical analysis on professional production. Developing understanding of the plot of the whole play.

Term 2
 Looking at genres and styles through a rage of professional repertoire. Students will develop their understanding of roles within the performing arts and how the various disciplines unite to create a production. Supporting evidence: Portfolio doc and practical workshops

Term 3
Practical realisation of an extended section of script developed to a level 2 standard. Students will work with a play, developing their stage blocking and characterisation, whilst also keeping an up-to-date logbook which details their progress. Supporting evidence: Logbook, Skills audit, practical performance exam and written evaluation. Comp 3: Skills development. Mock 'Devising Drama from stimulus': Teacher workshop ideas for 3/4 weeks then in small groups students to use own research to develop their own 10-minute play. Supporting evidence: Portfolio doc


Year 11

Term 1
Pre-1930 Script work Macbeth. Students to explore play text language, social/historical/cultural/political contexts for performer and audience. Learn a scene as a monologue/duologue or small group for exam standard performance. Make decisions around semiotics including costume, set, lights. Evaluation of work done.

Term 2
External Exam 201E 'Devising Drama from stimulus'

Term 3
Part 2 Unit 201E External Exam 'Devising Drama from stimulus'


Year 9

Term 1
Relationships - This module will build on the healthy Relationship work carried out in years 7 and 8. Deepening understanding of issues such as Grooming, Risk and Identity, Consent, Prejudice and Discrimination, LGBTQ+ Bullying, The Law and Justice System

Term 2
Dreams and Goals - This module will build on the healthy Relationship work carried out in years 7 and 8. The module will explore the impact on relationships by covering aspects of Future Planning, Mental Health, Substance abuse, Grooming link to alcohol, Taboo and Being a Good Citizen.

Term 3
Mental Health and Emotions - This module will build on the healthy Relationship work carried out in years 7 and 8. The module will explore the impact on relationships by covering aspects of Mental Health and Emotions, Sleep and resilience, Power and assertiveness, Online safety, Pornography and Contraception and consequences. Belonging - The Government's RoleThis module will build on the healthy Relationship work carried out in years 7 and 8. The module will explore the impact on relationships by covering aspects of Family, Faith and Belief, Culture, Injustice and inequality, the use of language and the Government's Role.

To find out more about our curriculum please contact:
Matt Oakes
Curriculum Lead