Physiotherapy talk with Plymouth University

For our curriculum collapse this week, Year 9,10 and Year 12 students welcomed Bradley Halliday, from the University of Plymouth to give a career talk around Physiotherapy.
He explained what a Physiotherapist does - "Physiotherapist's, help restore movement, function and wellbeing following injury, illness or disability. It is science based, committed to applying, evaluating and reviewing the underpinning evidence."
He talked about the day in the life of a Physiotherapist and how students can specialise in different areas of Physiotherapy. He discussed careers not only within the NHS, but within the private sector covering orthopaedics, ITU, coronary care, cardiac, stroke, community rehabilitation and musculoskeletal. He talked through how competitive it is to get into Physiotherapy at University of Plymouth and the entry requirements of what you would need and also what you would study once there.
There was also an opportunity for students to take part in a physiotherapy assessment which involves jumping on one leg to see how far you can jump (quite competitive for students) and another looking at the range of movements you can do to determine the level of movement in joints and limbs.
Thank you so much to Bradley for coming in and giving such an insightful and interesting talk. The students learnt a lot and has given them another career path to think about.