Year 13 FSC residential field

Our Ecology and Statistics A level students had an amazing opportunity to visit the beautiful FSC Dale Fort in Pembrokeshire, Wales, this month.
The trip gave the students an extra opportunity to practise sampling techniques and obtain statistics in a diverse range of habitats and to learn from Field Studies Council Experts in Ecology.
The students got to learn about random and stratified sampling techniques, marine ecology on a rocky shore and how to identify organisms using dichotomous keys. They also studied chromatography of photosynthetic pigments in macroalgae.
The students spent 4 days, taking samples on the beautiful SSSI Gann Salt Marsh and local beaches around Dale Fort. They also toured Skomer Island where pupils got to see seal pups and a seal hunting a cormorant off the water!
It was also a new experience for the students, being away from home for 4 days and 3 nights and having to adapt to new environments.