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Sixth form students receive Dementia Awareness Training

Today, our sixth form students had Dementia Awareness Training provided by Tammy Walker from AgeUk Plymouth.

The training utilises video contributions from people who have dementia from a range of different types, some who have been living with dementia for a number of years.

Students were given scenarios and activities to challenge their understanding of the reality of living with dementia.

The students found this incredibly beneficial, quoting "It was eye-opening and informative", "It really changed my perspective on dementia and made me empathise more, being able to see what they go through"

Mrs Buckingham, Head of Health & Social Care said, "This will really help our students with their course as they are currently completing a dementia unit for Health & Social Care and some students will be going out on work placement soon in places where they may need to support someone with dementia."

Mrs Merricks, Head of School said, "Curriculum enrichment is high priority at Scott Medical as it enables students to develop a wider understanding of how content learnt fits into the real world.  This workshop has allowed students to develop a deeper understanding into dementia and how it affects the wider family as well as the individual.  It was a fantastic opportunity for our young people."

Tammy, from AgeUK, does this training for schools and organisations like the fire service as well as families who are caring for someone with dementia, so has extensive experience which was evident today.

A big thank you for coming in to train our students. We are looking forward to seeing you again next week and hope you'll come back to train more of our young people soon.