Class of 2022 Year 13 stars

Scott College Class of 2022 Year 13 profiles
Kacey (Studied BTEC Health & Social Care): Kacey has accepted the offer of a place at the University of Plymouth to study midwifery. She joined us at Scott College at the start of Year 12: “I wanted to come to Scott for my sixth form because of its medical and healthcare specialism – I’d heard that it was creating future healthcare staff. I came to the Open Day and thought it looked amazing. Being at Scott was a happy experience, and the staff were great. It was extremely helpful that Scott College was graced with the ability to be able to host medical master classes with a variety of guest speakers from all different medical specialties. Those master classes allowed us to get an insight into lots of different medical careers and allowed us to ask any questions relating to those different specialties. It has always been a dream of mine to go into midwifery and being at Scott College and studying these subjects has prepared me really well for my next step at university. “
Eden (Studied A Level Biology, Chemistry, Maths and EPQ on why there are fewer women in senior positions in STEM): Eden was one of our ‘founder’ Year 9 students who joined Scott College on our first day in September 2017. She has travelled to college from her home in Cornwall because of her desire to work in healthcare. Eden was offered a place to study Medicine at both the University of Keele and the University of St Andrews – and has chosen St Andrews: “My ambition is to work in Intensive Care or Accident & Emergency. When Scott College opened, it was a good opportunity, especially as medicine is so competitive. So going to Scott was really helpful, in giving you a head start. Having smaller class sizes was very helpful in terms of the learning because the teachers have more time for each student; they were very supportive if you needed some extra help. In the sixth form, when schools were affected by Covid, we were still able to have the specialist guest speakers via online, so we still got the support that we needed. Because of the smaller classes, all the students knew each other well, which was nice. I enjoyed being at Scott College and I made a lot of friends, who I am keeping in touch with.”
Millie (Studied BTEC Health & Social Care): Millie achieved three D* (distinction) BTEC grades and is now off to the University of Leeds to study Adult Nursing: “I am very happy! I worked hard, but it was still a relief to see the results. I think that being at Scott helped me – it’s a small school, so you get more support, and the staff were all interested in what we were doing. The teachers were amazing: they really know their subjects; they know what they’re talking about. And the fact that it is a medical and healthcare college obviously helps if you are looking to establish a career in this field.”