Students take on 100ft abseil to raise money for Borneo trip

Feel the fear - and do it anyway! That is what eight of our plucky students did when they took on the ‘Dartmoor Drop’ - a 100ft abseil down Meldon Viaduct near Okehampton.
Jason, Monty, Dominic, Maddie, Eilyssa, Bea, Carmen, and Amelia took the plunge to raise money towards their school expedition to Borneo in July next year, when we aim to take 16 students on an educational trip of a lifetime.
Our students were in safe hands with Adventure Okehampton who arrange these charity fundraisers. All 8 successfully abseiled the 100ft decent to the valley floor beneath Meldon Viaduct, and had an amazing time with friends and family supporting them.
Our ‘Abseil Eight’ from Year 10 and Year 12 are among our students who have signed up for the trip with Operation Wallacea (Opwall), a biodiversity and climate research organisation that runs expeditions, climate change field training courses and wildlife and culture experiences.
Miss Wedlake said: “Before the abseil, the students were very excited and nervous at the same time, as some are scared of heights. It was a straight 100ft drop to the valley floor, which they are lowering themselves down off the viaduct.
“They showed real character to step up and do this, and I hope that people who are able to do so can get behind them and show their support.”
We have set up a Go Fund Me page where people can donate.
During the two-week expedition to Borneo next year, the students will help to collect wildlife ecology data in the Borneo rainforest on land and take part in a reef ecology course at sea.
You can read all about the Borneo expedition in our earlier story, and keep up to date with our fundraising efforts on the Borneo page on the website.