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Year 9 Child Development Students Enchanted by Baby Teddy's Visit

Scott's Year 9 Child Development class received a delightful surprise visit from 12-month-old baby Teddy and his mother, Mrs. Hallowes. Teddy captivated the entire class, who couldn't take their eyes off him for a moment.

Mrs. Hallowes graciously answered numerous questions about Teddy's birth, noting that he arrived two weeks early. The students were deeply interested in understanding any complications and the various professionals who supported both mother and baby during this time.

One fascinating moment was when the class learnt about Teddy's birth weight and, since Mrs. Hallowes was unsure of his current height, so they had the opportunity to measure him right in the classroom. This hands-on experience helped the students grasp the growth and development aspects of child care.

When discussing Teddy's daily routines, Taullilah asked, "How much does Teddy sleep in a day? Does he nap?" Mrs. Hallowes explained that Teddy doesn't sleep as much as he should, partly due to health issues he faced as a baby.

The class also discovered that Teddy attends nursery two days a week, where he is learning to interact with other children, share toys, and wait his turn. At home, if someone takes a toy from Teddy, he often expresses his frustration by throwing himself backward, as he hasn't yet developed the verbal skills to communicate his feelings.

On the topic of diet, the students were intrigued to learn that Teddy is now eating solid foods but still breastfeeding. They were particularly surprised to hear that he enjoyed Thai green curry for dinner last night, though his favourite dish is sausage casserole. Aimee enquired, "Are there some things he cannot eat?" Mrs. Hallowes explained that Teddy has a dairy allergy, requiring careful dietary management and the guidance of a dietician. They have been using a milk ladder to reintroduce dairy into his diet, but recent attempts have been challenging, causing Teddy discomfort.

Through their questions, the students learnt that Teddy is meeting his developmental milestones for his age. Teddy demonstrated this by pulling himself up, taking books off a shelf, playing, standing, and walking with his mother's help. He also showed his ability to eat a sandwich, drink from his own cup, and communicate through cooing sounds and gestures.

Nicola asked, "What does Teddy like to play with the most?" Mrs. Hallowes revealed that Teddy loves the song "Baby Shark" and his blue toy shark. The class joyfully sang the song and performed the hand movements, much to Teddy's delight, as he laughed, smiled, and danced along.

Mrs. Chalmers emphasised the importance of interactive, hands-on lessons in building solid learning experiences for students. "It's crucial for students to see first hand the wonderful world of child development," she said.

A heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Hallowes and Teddy for their visit today. The Year 9 students truly had a special and educational experience.