Local Donation Enhances Scott College Library

A huge thank you to Mr Binn's who recently donated some much needed books to Scott College's growing library.
In a heartwarming display of generosity, a local resident, Mr. Binns, stumbled upon a bag of books during one of his local car boot hunting adventures. Recognising their value and potential to bring joy to others, he made a thoughtful decision to donate them to a worthy cause. His chosen recipients? The students at Scott College and their budding library.
Emily Cripps, instrumental in establishing the Scott College library back in April, expressed her delight saying, "It’s great to be given more books for our students. More books equate to more opportunities for enrichment.”
Amongst the books was a collection of Harry Potter books; one student, Sam excitedly said, "Wow! I love Harry Potter books, what a kind donation!" Nichole, an avid reader, expressed her gratitude saying, “I love reading, especially during busy lunch times when finding a peaceful corner can be a challenge.”
Mrs. Chalmers, the recipient of the donation, conveyed her appreciation for the thoughtful gesture; "It’s so lovely to have members of the public think of our students. The importance of community support is vital in supporting enriching educational experiences."
With an open invitation extended to all students, the Scott Library, located in GF02, is a place where students can come and sit at break times and get lost in books. These small acts of kindness enable our students to keep doing this.
As the shelves fill with new books, the library continues to foster a love for reading and learning amongst its students, thanks to the goodwill of individuals like Mr. Binns. Thank you so much!