Students attend Optometry Masterclass

A group of Sixth Form students attended an Optometry Masterclass with Plymouth University this week.
Students heard from Head of Health Subjects at the University of Plymouth, who spoke to the students about educational pathways into Optometry, salary expectations and different career pathways within Optometry.
The students then had a fascinating lecture from a Professor in Optometry who spoke about the anatomy of the eyes in greater detail and shared some interesting facts about the eye... Did you know that the cornea is the most sensitive part of the body?
Students then had practical time in the labs where they had the opportunity to view the back of the eye using state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment. Students also took turns examining and studying each other's eyes up close.
After lunch, students took part in a fascinating neuroscience lecture around visual perception where students looked at optical illusions and had an introduction in visual processing.
Finally, they heard from Optometrists at The University og Plymouth and staff from Specsavers.
The students had a fantastic time with many now thinking seriously about studying Optometry after Sixth Form. They were a real credit to the college and behaved impeccably.
Tille said, "It was a very eye-opening experience, giving us a deeper insight into career options and optometry itself."
Gracie said, "It was very interesting learning about the eyes. I especially loved the practical part where we got to look at each other's eyes up close. It has made me look at optometry as an option and will consider this course when looking at universities."
Addullah said "I wasn't quite sure if I would choose optometry as a career but after the information I received today, I am quite confident that I want to be an Optometrist!"