Year 13 students talk about Dementia organised by Dementia Friends

This week, we welcomed Tammy Walker from the charity Age UK Plymouth, who came in to talk to our Year 13 students about Dementia.
This workshop was organised by Dementia Friends, an Alzheimer's Society initiative that helps people to learn about dementia and raise awareness and understanding, so they can help in their community.
Tammy inspired our students to think about Dementia and the effects this disease has on individuals and their carers. They also discussed the importance of making small changes to empower and support individuals with Dementia.
Our students took part in role play tasks, and linked broken sentences to gain more knowledge. They also heard real stories to aid the understanding.
Polly, Year 13 student said "It was so interesting to hear the stories and know what individuals go through with Dementia. It really made me think."
Sophia said "I really enjoyed the session; it was so informative, and I now know what I can do to support and help individuals with Dementia"
The students all passed the session and received their Dementia Friends guides and badges and are now able to make a difference in our communities and in their future career choices.
Anyone can book onto a training session and become a Dementia friend. Contact Tammy if you need support or advice.
About Dementia Friends
Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friends programme is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perceptions of dementia. It aims to transform the way the nation thinks, acts and talks about the condition.
Whether you attend a face-to-face Information Session or watch the online video, Dementia Friends is about learning more about dementia and the small ways you can help. From telling friends about the Dementia Friends programme to visiting someone you know living with dementia, every action counts.
The five key messages
1. There is more to the person than the Dementia.
2. It is possible to live well with Dementia.
3. Dementia is not a natural part of ageing.
4. Dementia is called by diseases of the brain.
6. Dementia is not just about losing your memory.
What is a Dementia Friend?
A Dementia Friend is somebody that learns about dementia so they can help their community.
Too many people affected by dementia feel that society fails to understand the condition they live with. Dementia Friends help by raising awareness and understanding, so that people living with dementia can continue to live in the way they want.